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TextileGenesis has developed rapidly over the past few years, thanks to the trust, support and cooperation of brands and supply chain partners. As of July, we are providing traceability services to 75+ global brands that collectively drive $250 bn+ global sales, TextileGenesis has close to 3,900 registered textile companies (5,000+ factories) in 58 countries and regions, 330+ million pieces of garments are traced from fiber to retailer. Our traceability service covers the majority of the fibers used in the textile industry such as cotton, MMCF, recycled synthetics and wool.

在行业众多品牌商和企业的信任、支持和配合下,TG 平台在过去几年发展迅速。截至今年 7 月底,已有超过 75 家全球头部品牌商在 TG 平台上开展供应链溯源项目,平台有遍布 58 个国家和地区,接近3900家注册企业(近 5000 家工厂),完成了 3.3 亿件服装的从源头纤维到终端品牌的全产业链追溯。TG平台追溯范围涵盖棉花、再生纤维素纤维(MMCF)、再生涤纶、动物纤维等主要纺织原料。

We hope TG platform can help our supply chain partners to better fulfill the traceability requirements of brands and retailers, and at the same time to better grow your business; therefore, we have specially prepared this supplier survey questionnaire to listen to your valuable feedback and suggestions in this regard. Thank you so much for your participation!


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* 1. What is the general feedback of using TG platform? Are there anything in particular you would like to highlight for us to improve?
贵公司使用 TG 平台的总体反馈如何?有哪些地方用起来特别不顺手,需要改进的地方?

Question Title

* 2. As of now, what value do you see by participation the traceability projects on TG platform?
到目前为止,您认为通过 TG 平台上参与溯源项目为贵公司带来了什么价值?

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* 3. What additional value-added service or key benefits you expect from TextileGenesis and /or Brand by participation the traceability projects and engage on TG platform ?

As part of our continuous improvement efforts, we have also prepared the following possible options to facilitate the discussion. Please let us know your opinion and suggestion.

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* 4. A supplier ranking mechanism to assess the performance of companies on the traceability platform to be used as a basis for granting differential access to additional services.

A regularly scheduled Traceability Conference, with presentations from senior management from brands, TextileGenesis and suppliers on topics such as relevant laws and regulations, state of the industry, innovations on traceability and sustainability, etc.

The conference could include:论坛内容可能涵盖如下主题:

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* 5. Performance-based recognition certificates to relevant suppliers, which can be used by the companies to position themselves as authentic sustainable players to fashion brands.

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* 6. Presentations by selected Brands on policies and plans regarding sustainable materials and traceability to allow suppliers to gain a better understanding of the brands' needs and provides an opportunity for direct dialogue and communication between suppliers and brands.

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* 7. Presentation to share the latest insights on sustainability and traceability relevant laws and regulations.

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* 8. Presentations by top-ranking suppliers about their successes and plans in terms of sustainability and supply chain traceability to further enhance their visibility and give brands a better understanding of their companies.

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* 9. TG platform added functionality of an updated “All Companies Network” or directory to enable search by product type.
TG 平台计划推出更新的“平台所有公司”检索模块,以实现按产品类型进行TG平台注册公司搜索。

Question Title

* 10. TG platform to enable suppliers to create a “Sourcing Profile” page which would include a brief company introduction, contact information, new material or product developed, feature products already traced on the TG platform and the brands they serve. The profile page would also showcase their TG performance score, ranking etc. This “Sourcing Profile” page can be viewed when companies search for potential suppliers / customers via the “All Companies Network” on the TG platform.
TG 平台计划让公司创建自己的“公司介绍”页面,包括公司简介、联系方式、新研发的材料或产品、已通过 TG 平台实现追溯的特色产品以及所服务的品牌,该“公司介绍”还将展示企业在TG 平台上的评分及排名。当企业通过“平台公司目录”搜索潜在供应商/客户时,可同时查看该“公司介绍”页面。

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* 11. TG platform to allow companies to send their sourcing requests to specific companies searched by “All Companies Network” which will receive the requests via their “Sourcing Profile” pages.

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* 12. Publication of Market Insights based on the TG platform use – for example, but not limited to, the Top 10 yarn mills, fabric mills and garment markers that use the most recycled polyester staple fiber in a specific country on TG platform.
发布基于 TG 平台使用情况的市场信息--例如 TG平台上特定国家中使用再生涤短纤/长丝最多的前10家纱厂、面料厂和服装厂等信息。

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* 13. A potential solution to generate "origin and authenticity certification" for suppliers that wish to sell product with traceable sustainability and origin data.

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* 14. In summary, are you looking forward to the value-added services that TG platform is considering to offer to suppliers?

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* 15. Please enter your contact information.

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* 16. Please enter your job title:

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* 17. Please select the role(s) of your company's TG account:

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