Welcome to the survey!

This survey is the final survey we are launching this academic year to track the commuter student experience, and it is just one of many ways we are seeking to gain more knowledge about some of the deeper issues raised by commuter students in the first survey, focus group and journal activity in Terms One and Two. We have asked some questions again in this survey to track your student experience across the year.

We are asking for your student number to check student status, however, all answers will be anonymised before analysis. No names will appear in the final analysis and no answer will be traced back to an individual student. To find out more about how we use your data in relation to surveys head over to su.rhul.ac.uk/privacy. We will share the results of this survey with students and the University, and the results of all our engagement activities with students this academic year will be collated into a Student Voice Report and a list of recommendations that will be taken to the University and the Students’ Union.

Question Title

* 1. What is your student number?

Question Title

* 2. Are you a commuter student? (One way the University defines a commuter student is a term-time postcode between 3-50km from campus​).