Camp Koinonia Online Staff Training 2023

This survey is a compilation of resources that will prepare you for the summer, from outlining our mission as a ministry, to how to maintain healthy personal boundaries with other team members and campers. Click the link to each resource, then return to the survey to answer a couple of questions pertaining to each link. If you are not planning to complete the whole survey in one sitting, I highly recommend typing your responses to each question into a Google or Word document and then copy and pasting your answers back into the survey once you are completely ready to submit your survey. This will help to avoid having your answers deleted if the survey reloads the next time you open the window. This will take about 2-3 hours total. 
1.What is your first and last name?
2.The Church of the Brethren is the specific Christian denomination that Camp Koinonia represents: Read the Church of the Brethren's mission statement below and respond with your answer to the question to follow. 

Camp Koinonia is a ministry of the Pacific NW District Church of the Brethren


Hold the New Testament as our guide in faith and practice. We value the interpretation and inspiration which springs from its study and shared experiences as guided by the living Christ.

We conduct our business by discerning the
“sense of the meeting.”

We empower and respect congregations
and foster our inter-relatedness.

We support each other, respecting and embracing diversity, while seeking unity.

We nurture a sense of wholeness
and possibility in everyone we meet.

We continue the struggle of growth and change.

We affirm the Brethren genius of holding in tension community and obedience with individual conscience and Spiritual discernment.

We celebrate!

We are God’s stewards in the world, continuing Jesus’ work; Peacefully, Simply, Together.

Looking through their list of values and comment on how peacefully, simply together applies to camp life as a staff or as a guest. 
3.Throughout the summer we will be reading devotions that are applicable to our service at Camp K. Below is a series produced by The Bible Project that will help us as a staff to be able to read such devotions and the Bible in a critical way. Watch at least the first four videos (each one is only 5 minutes long, so I recommend watching the whole series--though it's not necessary) and answer the questions below about the literary and/or historical context of the bible that the videos address. 

Intro to the Bible

 What are the 3 main literary forms that the bible is written in? 

4.What is the most common literary form in the bible, and why is it the most common?
5.Why is it important to know and understand the literary form and techniques being used when we read the bible?
6.To maintain healthy boundaries with each other and to avoid unnecessary conflicts, below is a list of topics that should be avoided when talking to team members at work as well as the groups we are serving. Select which topics shouldn't be discussed while at work and while spending time together in fellowship on site. 
Even listing some of these items , may create a sense of confusion or division. We live a a complex world that we share with people who have different beliefs. We believe that it is not only possible, but necessary to avoid these topics while at work in order to fulfil the mission of which we were hired. This doesn't mean that you have to change the way you believe, however, we ask that you are mindful of your coworkers and differing belief systems. 

We are giving every staff the opportunity to address any concerns during their 1-1 with their supervisor where they will be able to openly share their beliefs and perspectives. 

The topics we are asking you to avoid in the workplace and during time-off together are as follows: Religion, Financial Compensation, Financial Struggles, Intimate Personal Relationships, Politics, and especially Topics that Create Division (Ex: Abortion, Immigration, Covid in General) and Personal Medical Information. 

Religion is the most difficult bullet point to address. We are going to be spending time in prayer and in Bible study. The Bible is complex and people have been reading it and interpreting for over 6,000 years. We are going to be sharing stories from the Bible that we consider "Gospel" or the Good News of Jesus. We will avoid any doctrinal differences that we may share from the congregations we attend. 

If you have any questions about this, at any time you are able to talk to the Camp Director and have an open honest conversation which will not be considered a violation of the points addressed above.
7.Setting goals is an important part of feeling motivated and fulfilled at work, so at our staff retreat this year we will be participating in a learning session where we will master and create our own goals using the SMART acronym--SMART is a tool used to create and achieve goals, which is demonstrated in the video below. Watch the short clip and respond to the question to follow. 

SMART Goals // Click Here

What does the acronym S.M.A.R.T. stand for?
8.Hospitality is an essential part of our job at camp, as we host thousands of guests each year. How we demonstrate hospitality is an important part of creating a positive experience for our campers--This may look like: 
-Going above and beyond. (i.e. being willing to work longer or do more than what was asked of us at the start of the day, in order to make our guests feel welcome and taken care of.)
-Engaging campers with a smile and kind attitude, regardless if they deserve it or not. 
-Being intentional about connecting with guests by asking them how they are enjoying camp, or otherwise making a personal connection with them (when appropriate). 
-Doing your assigned tasks to the best of your ability. 
-Having open ears and eyes to what campers might want, even if they are too shy or unwilling to ask for it. (be a fly on the wall!)

Answer the following:
Share an example of how we can demonstrate hospitality in our dining room during food service? 
Share an example of how we can demonstrate hospitality while a group is swimming? 
Share an example of how we can demonstrate hospitality while a group is having freetime?
Share an example of how you personally would see yourself going above and beyond this summer?
9.For those of you who are returning team members or those who have been in some other team or work setting, you know that conflict between your team members is inevitable. Below is a summary of Patrick Lencioni's book, The 5 Dysfunctions of A Team, which offers a few applicable solutions to how we can avoid unhealthy dynamics and conflict within our team, and how to address them if they are to arise. Read the short summary and respond to the questions below.

5 Dysfunctions of a Team Summary

What is the first and most critical dysfunction commonly found in teams? 
10.Why is lack of commitment so dysfunctional within a team? 
11.Every week throughout the summer, each staff will meet with a supervisor for a 1-1 meeting. Before each meeting, you will be sent a link to answer a short survey, where you get to assess not only how you think you are doing at camp, but also how to better set goals for the following week. This time will also give you an opportunity to voice your concerns or frustrations you may be experiencing, if they cannot be dealt with within the 24-hour window rule. (the rule being, if you are still upset about something 24 hours after it happened, then you should talk to your supervisor about it. If you are no longer bothered after 24 hours, leadership does not need to hear about it.) 

To start off the 1-1 meetings, share answers to 2 of the following questions. 

Share a time you experienced conflict at work or in your personal life and how it was resolved. 

You are sharing a room with another staff member and your side of the room is perfectly kept and your roommate's side is a disaster. How do you share your situation? 

Do you have any prayer requests that your supervisors can start praying for today? 

In the kitchen there is a staff member who is constantly on their phone or distracted by unnessary conversation. This has become habitual and nobody has addressed it. How do you respond to this situation? 
12.Throughout the summer, we will also be having weekly staff meetings as a large group or in our relative areas of camp. These serve as a dedicated time to communicate upcoming events or changes in camper groups, how we are doing as a staff, and to check in with our SMART goals we set at the beginning of the summer. This time will also be used for devotions, encouragement, team building and rest. 

What is the purpose of staff meetings, in your own words? 
13.Why are you excited for the summer this year? What are your expectations? Why are you serving with us this summer? What are you most nervous about? 
14.Rules and Regulations Regarding Staff Under 18 Years of Age
  • Working higher than 10 feet off the ground or floor level
  • Most driving of motor vehicles on public roads to make deliveries, such as pizza delivery or other time-sensitive deliveries. All driving on public roadways is prohibited for those 16 and under
  • Staff Under 18 years old may not run errands in their personal or camp vehicles off-site
  • Staff Under 18 may drive their vehicle to camp, but must park it as soon as possible. They may not be on the clock at anytime while driving their personal vehicle. 
  • Operating forklifts or other heavy equipment such as earthmovers, tractors, backhoes, etc.
  • Loading, operating, or unloading of paper/cardboard balers or compactors
  • Jobs where respiratory protection or hearing protection is required
  • Operating powered meat/food slicers and grinders
  • Using powered bakery equipment such as a Hobart mixer
    Working in freezers and meat coolers in processing facilities
  • Slaughtering, meat packing, or food processing
  • Working alone past 8 p.m. without adult supervision on the premises (this restriction only applies to service occupations, e.g., retail and restaurant industries)
  • Working on or around a roof
  • Wrecking, demolition, trenching, or excavating
  • Operating or riding cargo elevators, manlifts, hoists, and cranes (automatic passenger elevators are okay)
  • Flagging or helping on public roadway
  • Operating boilers or working in engine rooms
  • Operating power-driven woodworking machines
  • Operating metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines
  • Operating powered circular and band saws
  • Handling or using explosives
  • Nurses' aide or nurses' assistant, unless the minor is enrolled in or has completed a state-certified nursing program
  • Jobs with possible exposure to radioactive and hazardous substances
  • Jobs with possible exposure to bodily fluids or other infections agents

Looking through the list, does anything apply to our camp and our staff? 
15.Additional Prohibited Duties for Minors Under 16

Driving an automobile
House-to-house sales
Cooking and baking
Operating or cleaning meat slicers
Operating food processors
Any power-driven machinery
Processing operations
Public messenger
Amusement parks
Loading or unloading trucks
Transportation, warehouse, storage and work around conveyors
Ladders and scaffolds, including window washing
Maintenance and repair in gas stations

Looking through the list, does anything apply to our camp and our staff? 
16.Optional: Share your faith story. Some of us will say, "I don't have one" and others will remember the exact moment their faith began to impact their life. We are hoping to create a space where people will feel comfortable sharing about how Jesus has impacted their life and what is next for their faith journey. Share yours below.
17.Where are you from and where did you grow up? What is your favorite thing to do in your hometown? 
18.What is your favorite activity or hobby? Where do you do this activity and why do you love it? 
19.What is your favorite camp/cafeteria food and least favorite camp/cafeteria food? And no you can't all say tacos and if you do, elaborate! 
20.Who is your role model and why? 
21.Why do you want to work at camp this summer and/or what are you most excited about working at camp this summer? 
22.Have you ever attended a summer camp? Where? When? What did you like about it? 
23.What is your favorite bible verse or inspirational quote?
24.Only answer yes, once you have texted Kevin 509.304.9541 2-4 pictures of yourself. Please share one close up picture preferably outside and the others just of you doing what you do. Make sure they are appropriate to be posted on our social pages when we introduce you to the world!