
By the end of this Business Traveler course, the learner will be able to successfully travel for business purposes while maintaining productivity. This goal will be assessed by a combination of learner and management feedback.
Complete each question to the best of your ability. This survey gives us valuable feedback to help improve our training.

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* 1. What type of experience do you have with international travel by plane?

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* 2. What date did you complete the course?


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* 3. Based on your previous travel experience, how do you view the usefulness of The Business Traveler Course?

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* 4. Based on what you have learned in the course, how confident are you that you will be able to successfully travel for your employer?

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* 5. If you selected "Not so confident" or "Not at all confident" please give a reason.

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* 6. What is one way this training will benefit you in your new role?

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* 7. How likely would you be to recommend The Business Traveler to your fellow employees? (Use any number from 0 to 10 where 0 is not at all likely and 10 is extremely likely)

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* 8. What was the most interesting part of the training?

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* 9. What questions would you like to submit to HR for the upcoming live Q&A session? All responses are anonymous.

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* 10. Your feedback is important to us. What comments, questions, or concerns do you have regarding the training course?