1. JWAC Terms of Agreement

Please read through the information below and check that you understand the JWAC terms of agreement.

Question Title

* 1. The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth's Global Young Leaders (GYL) program is an education initiative that creates an intelligent pathway for North Texas high school students to achieve ambitions in international careers. The GYL program is facilitated through clubs on high school campuses called Junior World Affairs Councils, which are available to public, private, charter, and home school students.

To prepare North Texas students with the tools and skills to make positive change in the North Texas community, effectively interact with people from different backgrounds, and compete for jobs in the global workforce.

To become a member of the Junior World Affairs Council, candidates must:
  1. Be enrolled at the high school
  2. Be in good standing at the high school and have no action against them that has resulted in suspension
  3. Be willing to participate fully in the activities of the organization
JWAC Responsibilities:
  1. Promote club membership and participate in club activities
  2. Strive to increase knowledge and comprehension of world affairs
  3. Exhibit high moral standards and refrain from any activity that would be degrading to the high school or WACDFW
  4. Complete community service annually
  5. Attend WACDFW speaker programs and leadership trainings and register online to attend
  6. Establish and maintain a social media/online presence on JWAC activities
  7. Meet at least 6 times per academic year
  8. Read all GYL e-mails from the Council
Disciplinary Action:
  1. All disciplinary matters shall be executed by the sponsor and/or administration of the high school. Disciplinary policy shall comply with the school’s Code of Conduct.
  2. Each member is on his or her honor to represent the high school to the best of his/her ability.
  3. Each member is expected to follow all school policies when attending any function associated with the World Affairs Council.
Faculty Supervision:
  1. The Junior World Affairs Council will have a minimum of one faculty sponsor for the chapter. Additional sponsors may serve at the request of the faculty sponsor.
  2. All meetings and activities will be with the approval of the sponsor.
  3. Sponsor(s) will serve as the liaison(s) between the high school and the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth. They will be responsible for signing all paperwork designated as official business. Sponsors will supervise all club activities.