Submission Deadline: August 2, 2024

We welcome all those who are interested to submit a proposal for fully-fledged breakout session (90 minutes) or a partly conceived presentation that we can help you build. These sessions can be focus on policy issues in any of the following core areas: children’s services, housing and homelessness supports, employment and income assistance, emergency social services, human services integration, staff safety and wellbeing, equity, diversity, food insecurity, harm reduction, and community and partnership-building.

The offer to submit proposals is open to both OMSSA Members and our partner organizations providing, researching, or otherwise connected to the human services. If you have any questions about your submission, please email

Please note for full 90-minute sessions we will permit up to a maximum of four speakers. For 20- to 45- minute partial presentations we will permit up to a maximum of two speakers.

We will work with those submitting partial presentations to group you with other partial presentations that have similar themes.

Evaluation criteria will be weighted therefore no single criteria will be used to determine inclusion and/or exclusion in the conference.

Due to our limited budget to bring in speakers from outside the area of human services delivery in Ontario, we will not be accepting proposals from leadership or motivational speakers.

OMSSA is guided by the principles of anti-racism, equity, and Truth and Reconciliation when inviting proposals for the Policy Conference. OMSSA encourages nominations that reflect the diversity of its membership, in particular from individuals from racialized groups and Indigenous Peoples to ensure that our proposals are reflective of the racial diversity of its membership and the communities OMSSA Members serve. We strongly encourage submissions that promote the work of Indigenous and other equity-deserving staff, or submissions for projects and programs that are focused on assisting Indigenous and other equity-deserving communities.

Submission Deadline: August 2, 2024
We will contact all those who have submitted a proposal by the end of August to let you know if your submission was accepted.

Conference Dates: December 4 - 5, 2024
Location: Toronto Hilton Airport Hotel