The following self-assessment questions will help you identify if you have gaps with respect to the development and implementation of a compliant Electrical Safety Program.

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* 1. Do you have an established Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS)?

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* 2. Have you reviewed OSHA Regulations and specific electrical safety requirements?

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* 3. Do you have an established Hazard Identification, and Risk Assessment process?

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* 4. Do you have an established Lockout/Tagout program and does it address the isolation of electrical equipment?

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* 5. Do you have a documented Electrical Safety Program with a “Framework/Table of Contents” consistent with the requirements of Occupational Health & Safety Management System Standards such as ANSI Z10/OSHA OHSMS and NFPA 70E?

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* 6. Did you use the NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace as a resource and the basis for policies, practices and procedural requirements in the Electrical Safety Program if you have one developed?

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* 7. Has Management allowed for annual budget $ to be assigned to electrical safety (e.g. Electrical Safety Program development, implementation & maintenance, training, Arc Flash & Shock PPE, Tools & Equipment specification, and procurement, engineering incident energy analysis studies, etc.)?

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* 8. Do you have someone assigned as an Electrical Safety Program Manager to be responsible for the development, implementation, and on-going maintenance of the Electrical Safety Program?

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* 9. Do staff and senior management understand that the Electrical Safety Program is an on-going endeavor and the program is required to be reviewed and updated annually?

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* 10. Do you define and document the “Energized Electrical Job Work Flow Process” your company uses for assignment and execution of energized electrical work tasks?

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* 11. If you have an Electrical Safety Program, have you included content and requirements for Portable Cord-and-Plug-Connected electrical equipment and extension cords?

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* 12. If you have an Electrical Safety Program, have you addressed requirements for the use of GFCI protection related to Portable Cord-and-Plug-Connected electrical equipment and extension cords?

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* 13. Do your workers identify and document the Shock Risk Assessment including documenting the maximum exposure voltage and Limited and Restricted Approach Boundaries?

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* 14. Are you aware that Arc Flash Suits are available with ATPVs of 76, 80, 100, and 140 cal/cm2?

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* 15. Are you aware that Arc-rated Face Shields are available in a True Color Grey lens that does not discolor wire colors and up to 17 cal/cm2 ATPV?

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* 16. Do you have in place and use an “Energized Electrical Work Permit”?

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* 17. Do you document that an Electrically Safe Work Condition is established related to energized electrical equipment before working on it (e.g. repair and alteration)?

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* 18. Do you establish an Electrical Safe Work Zone using the documented arc flash and shock boundaries to establish the distance?

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* 19. Do your Supervisors use spot audits and field checks to ensure the Electrical Safety Program is implemented correctly?

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* 20. Do you have a documented policy that advises all workers to report an electrical incident (e.g., shock, arcing fault or arc flash)?