2025 MVNC Annual Survey - Deadline 12/2

MVNC is looking for input from the Island’s nonprofit community to determine our programs for 2025. We welcome feedback from anyone on a nonprofit team or board operating on Martha’s Vineyard.

This survey will only take a few minutes to complete. We thank you for helping us learn what skills, knowledge, and resources you and your organizations need to excel in your mission. This survey is confidential and intended solely for the use of MVNC.

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* 1. What is the name of the PRIMARY nonprofit organization that you are involved with?

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* 2. How are you involved in the organization above?

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* 3. How familiar are you with Martha's Vineyard Nonprofit Collaborative (MVNC), what they do, and who they serve?

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* 4. If you are unfamiliar with MVNC’s work and/or you have NOT attended any MVNC events this year, which of these describes why?

33% of survey complete.