The Painsley Catholic Academy Parent Survey 2024

Thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts on your child's school as an integral member of the Painsley Catholic Academy family.
This survey is part of our belief in exceptional communication and our commitment to responding to your feedback.
1.Please select the school that your child attends.(Required.)
2.Please select the year group that your child is in.(Required.)
3.Please enter your child's name. (This is optional).
4.Please select the response below that best matches your response to the statement: My child is happy at this school.(Required.)
5.Please select the response below that best matches your response to the statement: My child feels safe at this school.(Required.)
6.Please select the response below that best matches your response to the statement: My child benefits from the school’s Catholic ethos.(Required.)
7.The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year.(Required.)
8.I am aware of the parents' exceptional communication charter.(Required.)
9.I believe that communications are developing at this school.(Required.)
10.My child enjoys learning at this school. (Required.)
11.My child particularly enjoys learning in the following subject areas (please select up to three)(Required.)
12.My child is given additional support if they need help in a subject.(Required.)
13.My child’s teachers are approachable and help my child to improve.(Required.)
14.My child discusses their progress with me at home.(Required.)
15.My child’s work is suitably challenging.(Required.)
16.My child benefits from additional educational experiences such as trips and visits that meaningfully add to their learning.(Required.)
17.My child benefits from additional extra-curricular opportunities such as clubs, trips and sport.(Required.)
18.My child enjoys reading.(Required.)
19.My child completes homework that complements their learning in school.  If disagree or strongly disagree, please comment below:(Required.)
20.The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved.(Required.)
21.Bullying is rare at the school.(Required.)
22.My child is respected by others.(Required.)
23.When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly.(Required.)
24.Does your child have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)? If 'no' please skip question 25.(Required.)
25.If your child does have SEN, how strongly do you agree with the statement: My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.
26.The school has high expectations for my child.(Required.)
27.The school supports my child’s wider personal development.(Required.)
28.Staff at this school are positive role models for my child.(Required.)
29.The school works well with the local parish(es).(Required.)
30.I understand the school's Catholic mission and I am supportive of it.(Required.)
31.I am invited to be involved in the prayer life of the school.(Required.)
32.Is there anything you would like to tell us about Catholic Life, RE or prayer at this school?(Required.)
33.I would recommend this school to another parent.(Required.)
34.Which other schools did you consider prior to deciding on sending your child to our school?
35.What factors did you consider when making your choice of school?
Very important
Not very important
Not important at all
Location and setting
Distance from home
School transport provision
Reputation of school locally
Exam results and academic performance
Religious choice
Head teacher / Principal's reputation
Extra-Curricular opportunities
Other parents' comments / recommendations
My child's preference
Size of school
Student behaviour and standards
Uniform standards
Ofsted report
36.How often do you refer to the school website for information?(Required.)
37.How easy is it to find what you are looking for on the school website? If difficult or very difficult, please provide details.(Required.)
38.Do you follow the school on Facebook?(Required.)
39.Please tell us what you think is the best thing about the school
40.Please tell us what you would like to see us improve.
41.Do you believe that the school benefits from being an integral part of the multi-academy company?(Required.)
42.Would you like to know more about the work of the multi-academy company?  (If yes, is there anything specific that you would like to know?)
43.Please feel free to use the following text box to add any comments that may not have been raised in this survey.
Current Progress,
0 of 43 answered
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