1. Career Field

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* 1. Murray Hill National, a market research company, will be in your area soon conducting PAID RESEARCH.  We would like to invite you to receive notifications on all studies that might apply to you.  All of our research will pay you an incentive.  Cash and / or Rewards.   We will input your information into our database and contact you if you meet specific criteria.  To get started we require at a minimum your contact info.  We are asking a host of questions that will assist us in narrowing down which studies / research best suite your profile.  We are excited to work with you.

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is your exact age?

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* 5. Which of the following best describes your ethnic origin and/or race?

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* 6. Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?

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* 7. What is your total annual household income?

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* 8. What is the highest level of education you have achieved?

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* 9. What is your employment status? Are you…?

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* 10. Which of these best describes your field of study?

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* 11. How long have you been in the workforce?

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* 12. Which of the following areas are you currently working in?