Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with Rialtes as an employer?

Question Title

* 2. Work Environment

  Not at all satisfied Not very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied
How would you rate the overall atmosphere of our workplace?
How would you rate the physical work environment (e.g. lighting, temperature, cleanliness)?

Question Title

* 3. Job Responsibilities

  Yes No
Do you feel that your job responsibilities are clear and well-defined?
Do you feel that your job makes good use of your skills and abilities?

Question Title

* 4. Management and Leadership

  Disagree Neutral Agree 
I have confidence in the leadership of Rialtes.
There is no biasedness in the management.
Do you feel free to raise any issues with the management?
Your manager/supervisor provides you with sufficient support and guidance?

Question Title

* 5. Corporate Culture

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Netural Agree somewhat Agree strongly
Individual initiative is encouraged within the organization
I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things

Question Title

* 6. Opportunities for Growth and Development

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Netural Agree somewhat Agree strongly
Do you feel that there are sufficient opportunities for you to develop your skills and advance your career?
Do you feel that the company is supportive of employees pursuing additional education or training?

Question Title

* 7. Communication

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neutral Agree somewhat Agree strongly
Do you feel that there is open and effective communication within the company?
There is adequate communication between departments?

Question Title

* 8. Employee Engagement

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neutral Agree somewhat Agree strongly
Are you happy with the engagement activities in the organization?
Engagement activities are organized on a timely basis.

Question Title

* 9. Recognition and Rewards

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neutral Agree somewhat Agree strongly
If I do good work, I can count on being promoted
I feel I am valued at Rialtes
Rialtes gives enough recognition for work that's well done   

Question Title

* 10. Work-Life Balance

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neutral Agree somewhat Agree strongly
Do you feel that you have a good work-life balance?
Do you feel that the company is supportive of employees maintaining a healthy work-life balance?

Question Title

* 11. How long do you plan to continue your career with Rialtes?

Question Title

* 12. Would you recommend employment at Rialtes to a friend?

Question Title

* 13. HR

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neutral Agree somewhat Agree strongly
Salary is disbursed on time.
Paysquare is accessible and can be managed easily
HR communications are frequent enough
I receive response from Human Resource Department on time.
The reimbursements are disbursed on time
I have clear visibility of company policies

Question Title

* 14. IT

  Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neutral Agree somewhat Agree strongly
I get proper IT Support
IT communications are frequent enough
I receive responses from the IT team on time

Question Title

* 15. What in your view is best you see at Rialtes?

Question Title

* 16. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience working for the company?

Question Title

* 17. Are there any specific changes or improvements you would like to see implemented within the company?