HIPC Application |
1. HIV Integrated Planning Council Membership Application Overview
What is the Planning Council?
The HIV Integrated Planning Council is composed of members representing both prevention and care service providers and service recipients. The HIPC is responsible for decisions about funding for HIV care services in Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Camden, Salem, Burlington, and Gloucester Counties and prevention services in Philadelphia county. The HIPC makes decisions about Ryan White Part A HIV care services and reviews proposed prevention activities. Part A funds come from the Federal government (Health Resources and Services Administration) to provide care for eligible people with HIV/AIDS. Federal Funding for prevention comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The council does a lot of work to understand the needs of HIV-positive people. The council reviews information on how Part A money is spent, how services are provided, is federally mandated to prioritize services and allocate funds to service categories. The council does not decide what organizations receive funding.
Who is on the Planning Council?
The people who make up the Planning Council are from Philadelphia, four PA Counties (Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery) and four NJ Counties (Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Salem). The members are all volunteers appointed by the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia. To satisfy the federal requirements, the council must also be made up of people with different backgrounds and skills sets. It is important that the council is made up of people who can represent different communities, cultures, and experience. At least 33% of the members must be people living with HIV based on the Public Health Services Act, HIV Services Program legislation.
How can I apply for membership?
Applications are accepted throughout the year. The applications are reviewed and recommendations are made twice a year (or by special appointment). If you are interested in applying for membership, fill out the entire application. The Nominations Committee will review the application and make recommendations about who should be appointed to the Council. Additional information may be required as part of the application process. Your information will be kept confidential. A description of the Nominations Process is available at www.hivphilly.org and from the Office of HIV Planning.