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ENTRY FORM: Garden Competition 2024
All entry forms must be in by 3pm on Friday 30th August 2024
, with tea and cakes, will be held at VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED, on
Thursday 10th October 2024, 4pm to 6pm
It’s a completely
free event
and is open to
everyone who entered the competition
& a close relative or friend.
ateb can help the competitor with
care costs
ateb offers
food preferences.
venue is accessible.
Would you, the competitor, like to attend the prize-giving?
Not sure
Yes and I will be bringing a guest
Please state any dietary requirements here:
Your name:
First line of your address & postcode:
Your phone number:
Your email address:
Please enter the
that you would like a judge to come and view your garden,
giving us at least 2 weeks notice
from when you submit this form. This can be anytime between: Wednesday 1st May to Friday 6th September, 2024: We will contact you nearer the time to book a specific appointment time during your chosen week.
Please enter your start and end dates below:
What classes are you entering? (You may enter the same garden for any number of suitable classes):
1/ Best Young Person’s Garden (Under 16 years old)
2/ Best Eco-friendly / Wildlife Garden (Is your garden helping the environment in some way? EG use of water butts / bee or butterfly friendly / wormery / pollinators)
3/ Best Use of Old - This class celebrates the imaginative use of old items, you do not need to spend a lot of money to have a beautiful garden.
4/ Best Window Box or Best Hanging Basket
5/ Tallest Sunflower
6/ Most Improved Garden (You’ll need to show ‘before’ photos to enter this class, so that we can see how your garden has improved)
7/ Best Accessible Garden
8/ Best Edible Produce
9/ Most Innovative Use of SMALL SPACE
10/ Best Individual Garden
11/ Best Communal / Shared Garden (to have been nurtured by a group, rather than an individual)
12/ Best Kept Outdoor Space - This class is all about how clean and tidy you keep the space around your home.
13/ Best Kept Street or Estate - Do you take pride in your street? Do you keep it clean and tidy? Have you made improvements?
14/ Unsung Hero Award - Do you know someone who goes the extra mile to look after a communal garden / outdoor space who deserves a big thank you.
For Class 14, Unsung Hero, please describe here why you feel that person/group is a hero. What have they done?
Is this entry being made by a staff member? If so, please write staff member’s name here:
All entries must be in by 3pm on Friday 30th August 2024.
We will visit you and your garden in person. All judge visits must be completed before Friday 6th September.
We do not guarantee we will be able to visit during your requested judging week.
You must live in Pembrokeshire.
If you are entering Class 6 - Most Improved Garden, you must have ‘before’ photos, or short videos ready for us to see on our visit, or send them in beforehand.
You may enter the same garden for any number of suitable classes.
You must state which classes you’d like to enter when submitting your online entry form.
Entries will be accepted by online form, email or over the phone as one of our team completes the online form. All entries are free of charge.
Staff of ateb may not enter.
By entering the ateb 2024 Gardening Competition, you are confirming you grant us permission to use photos taken of your garden on our website and social media.
If we have less than 5 entries in any class we reserve the right to withdraw that class.
We reserve the right to withdraw classes or the entire competition at any time. All judges decisions are final.
We will contact the winners during the week starting 23/09/24.
If you are not a winner, but you provide your email address, we will contact you to let you know.
All competitors, whether you are successful or not, are invited to the
Prize Giving Tea-Party.
Many thanks and the best of luck to all competitors.
For more information please contact Ali Evans: 01437 774766 / 07500 446611
I have read & understand the rules above.