ENTRY FORM: Garden Competition 2024

All entry forms must be in by 3pm on Friday 30th August 2024
1.The Prize-giving, with tea and cakes, will be held at VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED, on Thursday 10th October 2024, 4pm to 6pm.

It’s a completely free event and is open to everyone who entered the competition & a close relative or friend.

ateb can help the competitor with transport & care costs.
ateb offers food preferences.
The venue is accessible.

Would you, the competitor, like to attend the prize-giving?
2.Your name:
3.First line of your address & postcode:
4.Your phone number:
5.Your email address:
6.Please enter the week that you would like a judge to come and view your garden, giving us at least 2 weeks notice from when you submit this form. This can be anytime between: Wednesday 1st May to Friday 6th September, 2024: We will contact you nearer the time to book a specific appointment time during your chosen week.

Please enter your start and end dates below:
7.What classes are you entering? (You may enter the same garden for any number of suitable classes):
8.For Class 14, Unsung Hero, please describe here why you feel that person/group is a hero. What have they done?
9.Is this entry being made by a staff member? If so, please write staff member’s name here:
  • All entries must be in by 3pm on Friday 30th August 2024.
  • We will visit you and your garden in person. All judge visits must be completed before Friday 6th September.
  • We do not guarantee we will be able to visit during your requested judging week.
  • You must live in Pembrokeshire.
  • If you are entering Class 6 - Most Improved Garden, you must have ‘before’ photos, or short videos ready for us to see on our visit, or send them in beforehand.
  • You may enter the same garden for any number of suitable classes.
  • You must state which classes you’d like to enter when submitting your online entry form.
  • Entries will be accepted by online form, email or over the phone as one of our team completes the online form. All entries are free of charge.
  • Staff of ateb may not enter.
  • By entering the ateb 2024 Gardening Competition, you are confirming you grant us permission to use photos taken of your garden on our website and social media.
  • If we have less than 5 entries in any class we reserve the right to withdraw that class.
  • We reserve the right to withdraw classes or the entire competition at any time. All judges decisions are final.
We will contact the winners during the week starting 23/09/24. If you are not a winner, but you provide your email address, we will contact you to let you know. All competitors, whether you are successful or not, are invited to the Prize Giving Tea-Party. Many thanks and the best of luck to all competitors.

For more information please contact Ali Evans: 01437 774766 / 07500 446611 ailinor.evans@atebgroup.co.uk
10.I have read & understand the rules above.