Question Title

* 1. What is your name? (Required if requesting CLE credits)

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* 2. What is your bar number? (Required if requesting CLE credits)

Question Title

* 3. Hours requested (Required if requesting CLE Credit)

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how satisfied were you with this training?

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* 5. What could we do to make this better?

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* 6. How satisfied were you with the presentation and materials from Laura van Dernoot Lipsky?

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* 7. How satisfied were you with the presentation and materials from Rebecca Sauls?

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* 8. How satisfied were you with the presentation by Representative Jamila Taylor?

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* 9. If you attended in person, how satisfied were you with the networking opportunities presented at this conference?

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* 10. If more trainings were made available by OCLA: