
The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act (2007) placed a duty on local authorities and Primary Care Trusts (now Integrated Care Systems) to undertake a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) in three-yearly cycles. Local authorities and Integrated Care Boards have equal and joint duties to prepare JSNAs and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies, through the Health and Wellbeing Board. In practice, in Shropshire, these duties are led by Public Health to deliver on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

The JSNA seeks to identify current and future health and wellbeing needs in the local population and identify strategic priorities to inform commissioning of services based on those needs. These priorities in turn inform the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, a key document as a basis for commissioning health and social care services in the local area.

Through the development of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Integrated Care System Strategy, and Shropshire Council’s Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy Development, the need for a Children and Young People thematic needs assessment has been identified, to assess the health, care and wellbeing needs of our local communities, to help to inform our future decision making.


The Children and Young People JSNA is being developed with the support of partners across Shropshire to bring together data and intelligence relating to the health and wellbeing of pregnant people, local children, young people and families aged 0-19 and children aged 0-25 with SEND. It is our vision that the Children and Young People JSNA will inform the direction and development of services across health, social and wider community services in Shropshire. The voice of our pregnant people, Dads, partners, co-parents, local children, young people and families will be captured in the JSNA through a series of engagement activities.

JSNA Design

Due to the vast scope of this product, Shropshire’s Children and Young people JSNA will be structured as a ‘JSNA pack’, comprising of individual chapters for each stage of the life course:
  1. Population and context for children and young people.
  2. Maternity (pregnancy & birth).
  3. Early Years (0-4 years).
  4. School aged children (5-11 years and 12-16 years).
  5. Young people (16-19 years and up to 25 years for children with SEND).
Our ask

To work with us to identify and provide us with the relevant data, intelligence, and evidence to inform the JSNA.
  • To identify subjects which should be spotlighted and explored in more depth (Spotlight JSNAs).
  • To inform us of your outreach and engagement work with children, young people and families in Shropshire.
  • To provide your views on key opportunities, challenges, and assets to be included in the JSNA.
  • Once developed, to use the Children and Young Peoples JSNA to inform your service development and delivery.

Facilitated by Public Health/Shropshire Council:

Jessica Edwards

Anne- Marie Speke
The following questionnaire has been developed to capture the views of all services and organisations that support pregnancy.

The survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete and will ask you a series of questions which will be used to inform Shropshire’s Children and Young People JSNA. The deadline for completion is Friday, 15th November.

Additional surveys will be available to ask for your views on children and families at different stages of their life course. Please answer the following questions with pregnant people in mind.