Event Registration

Thank you for your interest in attending Queen's Landing Memorial Day Barbeque 5-31-2021. Please let us know if you will be attending (for planning purposes).

Queen's Landing Memorial Day Barbeque on 5-31-2021
(@ QL Swimming Pool, from 2 PM. Burger, Hot Dogs, Brats and lemonade/iced-tea drinks provided. Rain-Date would be the following Saturday afternoon.)

*** Swimming Pool Passes will be necessary to participate. Please make sure you have filled out the online form and gotten your passes early. Additionally, currently Guests are not allowed per our lifeguard company, Anchor Aquatics. This may change soon, but watch your community emails for updates.***

1.Will you be attending Queen's Landing Memorial Day Barbeque 5-31-2021?
2.How many persons will be attending?
3.Would you be willing to volunteer?
4.Will you bring a side-dish?
We hope to see you on Memorial Day afternoon! 

***If you are willing to volunteer, please email Rick@queenslanding.org as soon as possible.***

Thank you!