Question Title

* 1. I can learn what is being taught in this year's session

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* 2. I can figure out anything if I try hard enough.

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* 3. If I practice every day, I can develop just about any type of skill.

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* 4. Once I've decided to accomplish something that's important to me, I keep trying to accomplish it, even if it's harder than I thought.

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* 5. I am confident that I will achieve the goals I have set for myself.

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* 6. When I'm struggling to accomplish something, I focus on my progress instead of feeling discouraged.

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* 7. I will succeed in any career path I choose.

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* 8. I will succeed in any college major I choose (if I decide to go to college).

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* 9. I believe hard work pays off.

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* 10. My ability grows with effort.

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* 11. I believe the brain can be developed like a muscle.

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* 12. I believe that no matter who you are, you can significantly change your level of talent.

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* 13. I can change my basic level of ability considerably.

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* 14. I know how to play at least one video game.

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* 15. I know how to design a comic book.

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* 16. If I practice every day, I can learn how to play any video game.

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* 17. If I practice every day, I can learn how to design a comic book.

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* 18. If there is a move that is hard to learn, I can figure out how to learn it. Even if it's harder than I thought.

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* 19. When I am struggling to learn how to play a video game, I focus on my progress instead of feeling discouraged.

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* 20. When I am struggling to learn how to create something, I focus on my progress instead of feeling discouraged.

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* 21. I believe hard work pays off.

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* 22. The more I work on improving my skills, the better I will be at it.

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* 23. I have the ability to play video games without any help.

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* 24. I only need to create play one video game well for others to see me as a gamer.

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* 25. I only need to create one comic book for others to see me as a comic book creator.

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* 26. I only need to play 5 video games well for others to see me as a gamer.

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* 27. I only need to create 5 comic books for others to see me as a comic book creator.

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* 28. I need to play 10 video games well for others to see me as a gamer.

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* 29. If I have the choice, I would like to be enrolled in STEM based classes.

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* 30. I will have the opportunity to go to college or a university in the future.

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* 31. Have you taken a comic book creation clinic prior to Camp LVL Up?

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* 32. Are you currently enrolled in honors or advanced classes?

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* 33. Have you been encouraged to enroll in honors or advanced classes?

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* 34. Are you enrolled in a special engineering, mathematics, or science curriculum?

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* 35. Have you ever been encouraged to enroll in a STEM course?

Question Title

* 36. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [When I see a new math problem, I can use what I have learned to solve the problem.]

Question Title

* 37. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can use what I know to design and build something mechanical that works.]

Question Title

* 38. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [In lab activities, I can use what I have learned to design a solution.]

Question Title

* 39. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can effectively lead a team to design and build a hands-on project.]

Question Title

* 40. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I know where I can find the information that I need to solve difficult problems.]

Question Title

* 41. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can use what I have learned to teach myself how to play a new video game.]

Question Title

* 42. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can use what I have learned to teach myself how to create a comic book.]

Question Title

* 43. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can explain math or science to my friends to help them understand.]

Question Title

* 44. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can get good grades in math.]

Question Title

* 45. The section lists things you can do when you are working on school activities or assignments. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can get good grades in science.]

Question Title

* 46. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I am certain that I can master any video game I play.]

Question Title

* 47. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I am certain that I can master any activity that I try.]

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* 48. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [No matter how hard I try, video games are too difficult for me to learn.]

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* 49. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [Even when I try hard, I do not do well at playing video games.]

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* 50. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [Video games are hard to figure out for me even when I try.]

Question Title

* 51. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [Even when I try hard, learning how to play a new video game is complicated for me.]

Question Title

* 52. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I am sure that I can learn any video game.]

Question Title

* 53. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can do well at even the most challenging video game.]

Question Title

* 54. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I am sure that I can succeed at playing video games.]

Question Title

* 55. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can create my own video game.]

Question Title

* 56. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I know how to make characters move in a video game.]

Question Title

* 57. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [It takes a lot of work to create a video game.]

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* 58. This section is about video gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [The amount of work it takes to create a video game is too much for me.]

Question Title

* 59. This section is about problem-solving and computer use. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [It is hard for me to look for answers to questions on the Internet.]

Question Title

* 60. This section is about problem-solving and computer use. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [It is hard for me to use a computer to do my homework.]

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* 61. This section is about problem-solving and computer use. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [When using the Internet, I usually have trouble finding the answers I am looking for.]

Question Title

* 62. This section is about problem-solving and computer use. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [Even if I try very hard, I cannot use the computer as easily as paper and pencil.]

Question Title

* 63. This section is about problem-solving and computer use. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can find information on the web by using a search engine.]

Question Title

* 64. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [No matter how hard I try, I do not do well when playing computer games.]

Question Title

* 65. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can keep winning at computer games for a long time.]

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* 66. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can learn how to play any computer game if I do not give up.]

Question Title

* 67. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I am very good at building things in simulation games.]

Question Title

* 68. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can figure out most computer games.]

Question Title

* 69. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I can create my own computer game.]

Question Title

* 70. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [I know how to make characters move for computer games.]

Question Title

* 71. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [It takes a lot of work to create a computer game.]

Question Title

* 72. This section is about computer gaming. Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement. [The amount of work it takes to create a computer game is too much for me.]

Question Title

* 73. This section is about comic books.  Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement.  [I know how to make characters for comic books.]

Question Title

* 74. This section is about comic books.  Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement.  [It takes work to create a comic book.]

Question Title

* 75. This section is about comic books.  Check the appropriate circle to tell us how much you agree with each statement.  [The amount of work it takes to create a comic book is too much for me.]