1. Mary von Conta Award Nomination

50% of survey complete.
The MARY VON CONTA award is presented to a JSA of LIS member program that made an exemplary contribution toward improving quality and safety in the training or instruction of sailors.

Nominations may come from sailors, parents and club junior program instructors/leaders (self-nominations from JSA programs are encouraged). Describe how a significant benefit has been provided the members of a junior sailing program from an enhanced program feature that has previously existed or from a new program feature in this year.

This awards honors a former chairperson of the JSA, Mary von Conta, who has dedicated many years to that same goal of enhancing the training of junior sailors, and of the instructors who teach them. The award is a rededication of the trophy for the Captain Joe Prosser Award for Organizational Excellence in Sailing Instruction that was originally presented to JSA LIS in 2001 by US Sailing for JSA’s success in implementing the Ethics Program and formalized training programs for instructors. The description for the Prosser Award closely mirrors that for the von Conta Award.

Approximately 150 - 300 words for your nomination is sufficient. You may compose your nomination offline, then copy/paste into the survey comment box. No further supporting documentation is required now.

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* 1. Your contact information  (in case we need to reach you for more information about your nominee(s)

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* 3. List your JSA junior program nominee for the Mary von Conta award

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* 4. Describe the reason for your nomination of this junior sailing program

To save your responses, click on "Save and Next >>" below.

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* 5. Please provide a handout that provides guidance to other junior programs about how they may replicate the nominee program's success with its enhanced program feature.