We'd love to see you LIVEstream with us.

Our LIVEstream service allows you to join a live class from your home using Zoom conferencing. We'd love to make this LIVEstream service more available but wanted to get feedback from non-users and users. Can you answer a few questions for us?

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* 1. Email Address

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* 2. Have you tried our LIVEstream classes?

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* 3. Are you interested in LIVEstream classes but haven't been able to? Can you tell us the reason?

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* 4. What type of classes would you like to see more of on the schedule?

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* 5. Now that life has changed just a bit, give us a list of class times that would work for you.

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* 6. If you have experienced the LIVEstream classes, how have they been? What can we do better?