Student Tracker Please complete this form before leaving the event. Question Title * 1. First Name Question Title * 2. Last Name Question Title * 3. Date of Birth Date of Birth Date Question Title * 4. Email (do not use your school e-mail address) Question Title * 5. Cell Phone Number (optional; for text reminders) Question Title * 6. High School Alvirne High School Arts Academy Bedford High School Belmont High School Berlin High School Bishop Brady High School Bow High School Bud Carlson Academy Campbell High School Coe-Brown Academy Colebrook Academy Conant High School Concord High School ConVal Regional High School Dover High School Epping High School Fall Mountain Regional High School Farmington High School Franklin High School Gilford High School Goffstown High School Gorham Middle & High School Groveton High School Hinsdale High School Hollis Brookline High School Inter-Lakes High School John Stark High School Keene High School Kennett High School Kingswood Regional High School Laconia High School Lebanon High School Lisbon High School Littleton High School Londonderry High School Manchester Central High School Manchester Memorial High School Manchester High School West Manchester School of Technology Mascenic Regional High School Mascoma Valley Regional High School Merrimack High School Merrimack Valley High School Milford High School Monadnock Regional Middle & High School Moultonborough Academy Nashua High School North Nashua High School South Newfound Regional High School Newmarket Jr./Sr. High School Newport High School Next Charter School Nute High School Pembroke Academy Pinkerton Academy Pittsburg High School Pittsfield High School Plymouth High School Portsmouth High School Profile High School Prospect Mountain High School Raymond High School Salem High School Sanborn Regional High School Somersworth High School Souhegan High School Spaulding High School Stevens High School Tilton School Timberlane Regional High School Trinity High School VLACS White Mountains Regional High School Wilton-Lyndeborough High School Windham High School Winnacunnet High School Winnisquam Regional High School Woodsville High School Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What New Hampshire school(s) did you apply to today? Please select all. Colby-Sawyer College Dartmouth College Franklin Pierce University Great Bay Community College Keene State College Lakes Region Community College MA College of Pharmacey & Health Services Manchester Community College Nashua Community College New England College New Hampshire Institute of Art New Hampshire Technical Institute - Concord Plymouth State University River Valley Community College Rivier University Saint Anselm Southern New Hampshire University University of New Hampshire White Mountains Community College Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. During my ApplyNH event, I applied to an out-of-state school and was eligible for an application fee-waiver. Yes No Question Title * 9. I will be a first-generation college student. Yes No Question Title * 10. This event helped me apply to an education/training program (college, trade/career school, certificate program or job). Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 11. Without this event, I might not have applied to education/training program. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 12. Without this event, I might not have applied to a NH college. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 13. The application fee waivers I received through this event made a difference in my ability to apply to college. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 14. I felt prepared to participate in this event. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 15. I have created my account on to file my FAFSA (FSA ID)? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 16. My parent/guardian(s) have created their FSA ID(s): Yes No Unsure Question Title * 17. If no or unsure, please share you parent/guardian(s) email address for us to contact them and support their FSA ID creation: Question Title * 18. I would like to receive occasional texts and/or emails with timely reminders about college admission and financial aid and understand that I can opt-out at any time. Yes No Done