Contact Information

This form will guide you through a Takelma language request. The Cow Creek Tribe Language Program is committed to providing accurate and faithful use of the Takelma language to the Tribe and community.
Please consider this form the start to a conversation about fulfilling your language requests and needs. This language team is committed to making the Takelma language accessible to all who are interested and to be transparent about the language team's language processes. This form will be used to assist the language program with tracking and managing language requests while also providing vital metrics for future reporting to Tribal leadership and the general membership.
Please note - Takelma is still being "awoken." It is very complex and much of it is still being analyzed, learned,  and developed to bring it back to spoken form. Many words do not yet exist. The language team will do their best to find and/or develop language to meet the request as the ability and capacity allows.

Question Title

* 1. Name (First and Last)

Question Title

* 2. Email Address (or contact information)

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* 3. Phone number (optional)

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* 4. Please select if you are a Tribal member and/or Tribal employee.