NAAEE Webinar Survey NAAEE Webinar Survey Question Title * 1. How likely are you to use Resource Watch in your work? Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Select your answer Select your answer Very likely Select your answer Likely Select your answer Neither likely nor unlikely Select your answer Unlikely Select your answer Very unlikely OK Question Title * 2. Which features of Resource Watch did you find most useful? Explore Datasets Topic Pages Planet Pulse Blog Dashboards Select up to 3. Select up to 3. Explore Datasets Select up to 3. Topic Pages Select up to 3. Planet Pulse Select up to 3. Blog Select up to 3. Dashboards OK Question Title * 3. What would make the platform more useful? OK Question Title * 4. Are you interested in additional training for yourself or your colleagues? Yes No If yes, please specify topics, data sets, regions or skills in which you would like more training. OK Question Title * 5. What kinds of materials could we create that would help you in your work? Examples: Demo videos, lesson plans, worksheets, specific blog analysis, etc. Please be specific. OK DONE