
The Asia New Zealand Foundation maintains a limited pool of discretionary funding to support contemporary and forward-thinking postgraduate and academic research projects or programmes relating to Asia.

The Foundation invites applications for grants up to the value of $3000.

We are looking for contemporary and forward-thinking research projects that help grow New Zealand’s understanding of Asia in key policy areas, such as: regional and international trade, international law, defence, security, cyber, environment and diplomacy.

Proposals should include:
  • clear and sound research questions and arguments
  • anticipated outcomes and key outputs
  • a detailed budget for grant proceeds - setting out anticipated travel, accommodation, fieldwork and research expenses (tuition fees will not be covered).
Asia-related research and fieldwork need not be tied to completion of a specific degree/qualification - one-off projects/programmes will also be considered.

On completion of their research, successful applicants will provide:
  • a financial report of relevant expenditure
  • a max 1000-word article (including photos) relating to the research that may be published on our website
Other conditions:
  • Applicants must be New Zealand citizens or New Zealand permanent residents.
  • Applications for retrospective funding will not be considered.
Applications are invited at any time over the coming year – with independent peer-reviewed assessment taking place three times a year (31 March, 31 July and 30 November).

We will endeavor to provide applicants with a decision about their application within eight weeks of the closing date of the most recent application round.
For further information, please contact James To, Senior Adviser (Research and Engagement).

Question Title

* 1. Personal Details

Question Title

* 2. I confirm that I am a New Zealand citizen/New Zealand Permanent Resident

Question Title

* 3. Title of research project

Question Title

* 4. Brief explanation/description of project and key research questions/argument (300 words about what the research/programme will explore)

Question Title

* 5. Describe relevant research tasks/methodology while in Asia

Question Title

* 6. Anticipated Outcomes/Output

Question Title

* 7. Anticipated Budget

Question Title

* 8. Other relevant information (eg. supervisor, host institution in Asia, possible think tank connections for interviews/research, other supporting organisations)

Question Title

* 9. Please upload your CV and any other supporting documents

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