Amador UDL Professional Learning
Session 3 -Teachers

2.Primary Role(Required.)
3.Grade Level(Required.)
4.How would you rate your experience with the professional learning session?(Required.)
Very Unsatisfactory
Slightly Unsatisfactory
Slightly Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory
Presenters/ facilitators
Content of the session
My engagement
My personal learning
Relevance to my work
5.As a result of participating in this professional learning session, to what extent do you agree with each statement?(Required.)
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
My knowledge of evidence-based inclusive practices grew.
I am better prepared to advance change toward inclusion and belonging for students.
I am better prepared to support all students in inclusive environments.
I am better prepared to support students with disabilities.
I feel I am a part of a community that will help me grow as an educator.
6.What do you need to feel more prepared to support all students, including students with disabilities, in an inclusive environment?
7.Which components supported your engagement and learning in the session?(Required.)
8.Did you experience barriers to your engagement in this session that you would like to share with us? 
9.What other resources (professional learning, materials, information) would you like to support your inclusion work?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered