Standing Strong in Training
How helpful was
Standing Strong in Training
in enabling you to winsomely give a defense for your biblical values?
Extremely helpful
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not so helpful
Not at all helpful
Did the videos provide an adequate explanation for the importance of worldview in winsomely arguing for biblical value?
The explanation within the videos was very helpful in equipping me to winsomely advocate for biblical values
The explanation within the videos was inadequate to equip me to advocate winsomely for biblical values
The concepts within the video curriculum were adequately explained, but I still feel inadequate to winsomely advocate for biblical values
The concepts within the video curriculum were too basic to help me advocate winsomely for biblical values
Was the format of video instruction followed by discussion time helpful?
This format worked very well with our group
This format was somewhat helpful
This format didn’t really impact the discussion time
This format didn’t work for me
How helpful were the questions prior to the discussion time?
The questions were very helpful and enabled the discussion
The questions were somewhat helpful
The questions didn’t impact the following discussion
The questions were of little help in advancing the discussion
The questions were not any help
Suggestions for improving the curriculum: