Mount Sinai West

Thank you for choosing Mount Sinai West for your examination. We hope that you had a very good experience with us today. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality care and images in state of the art equipment, accurate interpretation and very good customer service. Your results will be mailed to your referring physician within two business days.

Please take a moment to fill out the survey and place into the patient comment box or you may log onto our website at Our mission is to improve the overall patient experience; therefore your comments are very important to us. We appreciate your choosing our facility and look forward to serving you again.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Did you have an:

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* 2. Ease of reaching a person when you called for an appointment.

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* 3. Helpfulness of the person who scheduled your appointment

Question Title

* 4. Helpfulness of the registrar who checked you in today

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* 5. Length of time it took to register

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* 6. The ease of locating the Radiology Department

Question Title

* 7. Your comfort in the waiting area

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* 8. Cleanliness of  the Radiology Department

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* 9. Friendliness/courtesy of the staff who performed your test

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* 10. Explanation our staff gave you about what would happen during your test

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* 11. Our staff's concern for your comfort and safety

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* 12. Our staff's response to your questions and worries

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* 13. Our staff's concern for your privacy

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* 14. Our staff's sensitivity to your needs

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* 15. Our staff's responsiveness to your concerns/complaints

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* 16. How well did we work together to meet your needs today?

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* 17. How would you rate your overall experience today?

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* 18. How likely are you to recommend Mount Sinai West Department of Radiology to others?

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* 19. Your Registrar

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* 20. Your Nurse and Medical Assistants

Question Title

* 21. Your Technologist

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* 22. Other Medical Personnel

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* 23. Please share any additional comments that may help us better understand your experiences at this most recent visit.