PACT Peer to Peer Facilitator Application 2020-21

PACT's Peer to Peer sessions give members the opportunity to connect with colleagues who work in similar roles at theatres across the country. They are casual and conversational forums to share ideas, discuss common challenges, and build on your successes.

We're looking for volunteer facilitators who would be keen to coordinate Peer to Peer sessions for their area of practice this year. This involves working with PACT staff and your fellow facilitators to schedule zoom meetings, picking topics or themes for discussion, and helping your peers have focused and insightful conversations.

Sessions happen every month or so, and groups usually have two or more facilitators to share the responsibilities. It's a great opportunity to meet your peers, take on a leadership role, and contribute to the PACT community.
2.Email address:(Required.)
4.Job title:
5.Which group would you be interested in facilitating?

The groups that operated in 2019-20 are listed below, or you're welcome suggest a new one in the 'Other' field.
6.What's one topic or theme that you'd like to discuss with your colleagues in a peer to peer session?(Required.)
7.How comfortable are you with guiding conversations and helping folks participate in a group setting?
8.What's your level of familiarity with anti-oppression principles or practices? 
9.Is there anything else you'd like us to know?