As the Grunin Foundation grows opportunities for individual nonprofit leaders through our capacity clinic, 4-8 hours* of virtual 1:1 executive coaching with Traci Lester will be awarded to a selection of eligible nonprofit leaders.

An eligible candidate should have at least 3 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and be actively working in a nonprofit organization (full time or part time, paid or unpaid) located in, or serving, Ocean and/or Monmouth Counties; leaders in all roles and all service areas are welcome to apply.

Coaching is sponsored by the Grunin Foundation and provided at no cost to participants. However, all coaching conversations will stay confidential between the participant and Coach Traci; conversations, goals, results, etc. will not be shared with the Grunin Foundation or the participant's organization(s).

Complete the following form by BRIEFLY filling in the fields to the best of your ability. Feel free to use bullets or short sentences where appropriate. If you have any questions, need assistance with the application, or have suggestions, please reach out to Vicki Fernandez, Grunin Director of Thriving Communities at .

*Each hour consists of 45 minutes of coaching and 15 minutes of prep time for your coach. If selected, you and your coach will determine how much coaching time is appropriate during your first session based on your personal needs.

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name

Question Title

* 2. Pronouns

Question Title

* 3. Cell Number

Question Title

* 4. Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Organization

Question Title

* 6. Organization's website

Question Title

* 7. Your title

Question Title

* 8. What is your relationship to Ocean and/or Monmouth counties?

Question Title

* 9. How many years of significant nonprofit experience do you have? I.E. significant can include paid or unpaid roles, and full or part time positions.

To understand more about your nonprofit experience, you may provide a link to your LinkedIn profile or upload your resume.
Note: please do not spend time updating your resume or profile - we only need a very basic understanding of your experience and it is optional.

Question Title

* 10. Link to your LinkedIn profile

Question Title

* 11. OR upload a copy of your resume.
Note: please do not spend time updating your resume or profile - we only need a very basic understanding of your experience and it is optional.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Coaching Agreements:
- Participants will work with Coach Traci to schedule their time via Calendly and are expected to follow through with their coaching appointments
- You should schedule your first 4 appointments in the next 4 months (or less if you prefer)
- If an emergency comes up, please notify Coach Traci to cancel as soon as possible; to be fair to Coach Traci and her schedule, sessions cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be forfeited
- During sessions, you may discuss steps to take before your next session; you should complete such tasks as agreed upon
- All coaching conversations will stay confidential between the participant and Coach Traci; conversations, goals, results, etc. will not be shared with the Grunin Foundation or the participant's organization(s)
- You are not required to participate, this opportunity is entirely voluntary and an incredible benefit but only for leaders who are interested and dedicated to the opportunity- if you are unable to participate in 4 coaching sessions in the next 4 months, then this is not the right opportunity for you right now
- Participating in coaching (or not participating) will not impact your grant eligibility in the future (in any direction)

Question Title

* 12. I understand and agree with the Coaching Agreements above. Please type CONFIRM to agree.

Coaching Readiness:
Although coaching can benefit most professionals, not every professional is ready for coaching. For coaching to be effective, leaders need to be willing to learn, grow, and put the work in where needed. The Flexible Leadership Awards Program funded by The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, list the following leader assets or attributes for effective consulting/coaching:

“Openness, curiosity, learning orientation.
Appetite for change.
Willingness to be introspective.
Interest in and capacity for strategic thinking.
Willingness to share power and build teams.

This application does not ask for any information about your coaching goals, but instead asks you to discuss your coaching readiness.

Question Title

* 13. What do you think makes you a good candidate for coaching? What have you done to work on yourself professionally in the past?