Public Engagement: Rutti Park Implementation Plan

Rutti Park is a neighbourhood park in south Ladysmith at the end of Rothdale Road, off Russell Road. It features an open green space and pedestrian connection.

The Town of Ladysmith is engaging with residents to identify opportunities for improving the park. We also want to know what's currently missing so we can create an inclusive park space that meets your needs.
1.How often do you visit Rutti Park?
2.What is your primary mode of transportation for reaching Rutti Park?
3.What are the features that you currently enjoy when visiting Rutti Park?
4.What improvements, if any, would you like to see in the park?
5.If you’ve never visited Rutti Park, please describe why not?
6.Do you consider Rutti Park as a destination or access point for trails and the surrounding neighbourhood? Select all that apply.
7.Please rank the emerging themes that are important to you in a new plan for Rutti Park (5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest):
Natural Environment – Retaining green space and protecting natural environment through ecological restoration.
Sustainability – Support sustainable infrastructure through planning and education.
Education and Play - Learning through the natural and built environment. Improving the existing park amenities.
Celebrate Culture – Celebrate the unique culture and heritage of Ladysmith and area.
Connectivity – Create a more accessible park for everyone that is connected to existing trails and neighbourhoods.
8.What other neighbourhood parks do you frequent in South Ladysmith?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered