I understand the teacher must be one of the following (a) a primary school teacher; or (b) a secondary school STEM teacher (STEM = science, technology, engineer, technology or maths -- including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology); or (c) a pre-service teacher following a degree to become either (a) or (b) in the near future.
I understand the teacher must be one of the following (a) a primary school teacher; or (b) a secondary school STEM teacher (STEM = science, technology, engineer, technology or maths -- including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology); or (c) a pre-service teacher following a degree to become either (a) or (b) in the near future. Yes
I understand the teacher must be one of the following (a) a primary school teacher; or (b) a secondary school STEM teacher (STEM = science, technology, engineer, technology or maths -- including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology); or (c) a pre-service teacher following a degree to become either (a) or (b) in the near future. No
I understand the selected teacher cannot be the same that submitted the name of the organization to become a friend of scientix nor part of the governing body of the organization.
I understand the selected teacher cannot be the same that submitted the name of the organization to become a friend of scientix nor part of the governing body of the organization. Yes
I understand the selected teacher cannot be the same that submitted the name of the organization to become a friend of scientix nor part of the governing body of the organization. No
I understand the organization will provide the name and email of the selected teacher and any other needed information to Scientix by the end of May.
I understand the organization will provide the name and email of the selected teacher and any other needed information to Scientix by the end of May. Yes
I understand the organization will provide the name and email of the selected teacher and any other needed information to Scientix by the end of May. No
I understand the organization will not receive any compensation which might influence the selection of the teacher.
I understand the organization will not receive any compensation which might influence the selection of the teacher. Yes
I understand the organization will not receive any compensation which might influence the selection of the teacher. No
I understand the organization is fully responsible for the selection process and Scientix cannot be made accountable for any irregularities in the selection.
I understand the organization is fully responsible for the selection process and Scientix cannot be made accountable for any irregularities in the selection. Yes
I understand the organization is fully responsible for the selection process and Scientix cannot be made accountable for any irregularities in the selection. No