Liverpool City Council prioritises well-designed, liveable and accessible infrastructure for residents, workers and visitors. Council is therefore asking the Australian and NSW governments to invest urgently in the upgrade of Fifteenth Avenue.

Council has engaged a Niobe Consulting team (also including Captivate Consulting and Crossley Transport Planning) to undertake the Fifteenth Avenue Upgrade Campaign project. Information you provide in response to this survey will help us to understand how people currently use – and are impacted by – Fifteenth Avenue, and to shape the future vision for the corridor.

The survey aligns with Council’s Privacy Policy. In accordance with the policy, information you provide in response to this survey will only be used for the purposes of the Fifteenth Avenue Upgrade Campaign project. This also applies to your contact details, if you choose to provide these, which will not be given to any other organisation or person without your permission.

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* 1. Do you live and/or work on or near Fifteenth Avenue? (Select one)

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* 2. If you live on or near Fifteenth Avenue, what is the suburb / postcode of your home address? (Select one)

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* 3. How long have you lived in this area? (Select one)

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* 4. How do you usually travel on Fifteenth Avenue? (Select one)

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* 5. What is the most common purpose of your travel on Fifteenth Avenue? (Select one)

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* 6. Since you first started travelling regularly on Fifteenth Avenue, what changes to your lifestyle or day-to-day routine have you made (if any) in response to travel conditions? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. What else would you like to tell us about Fifteenth Avenue and how it could be made better? For example, feel free to share (Insights on how the operation of Fifteenth Avenue impacts your family life, How you would like to see the road improved, The importance of better buses, footpaths and cycleways for Fifteenth Avenue, Your worst-ever experience of travelling on Fifteenth Avenue!)

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* 8. If you would like to be kept informed about Council’s Fifteenth Avenue Upgrade Campaign, please provide your email contact details.