Welcome to My Survey

Please read this informed consent form before completing the online survey.
You are invited to volunteer to participate in a mixed-methods master's thesis research project conducted by Ben Chaddock, a student in the Master of Arts in Learning and Technology (MALAT) program at Royal Roads University (RRU).

Because you have previously participated in NCCP coach education, the researcher wishes to learn about your experience in the NCCP and how future updates can improve coach development in Canada.

If you have any questions or concerns about the research, don't hesitate to contact Ben Chaddock via email (ben.chaddock@royalroads.ca, or 604-224-7433) or a Royal Roads administrator at OfficeoftheDean@RoyalRoads.ca; 250-391-2600; or the Research Ethics office at ethics.review@royalroads.ca.
This research aims to complete the Royal Roads University's MALAT LRNT690 Thesis exit pathway.

The proposed research is titled "Why Coaches Achieve Certification: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of NCCP Sports Coach Certification Success Rates" and aims to understand how resources, methods, and policies encourage NCCP Competition-Introduction (club) sports coaches to pursue and achieve certification and as a result, improve the sport experience of Canadians, especially children.

The research explores the impact of blended learning design (a mix of online and in-person modules), consumer behaviour (length of education pathways and incentives), and personality trait expression (using the self-administered BFI Inventory).

The research invites coaches from any of the 65 nationally-recognized Canadian sports to participate by completing a 30-minute online survey using Monkey Survey.

The anonymous survey includes demographic information, a self-administered personality trait quiz, and open-ended questions that reflect NCCP learning experiences.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is your choice to be part of this study or not.
If you volunteer to participate in this study, you may withdraw at any time from the study, for whatever reason, even after signing this consent form or partway through the study. If you decide to withdraw from the study, there will be no consequence to you of any kind.

Any collected data collected will be destroyed unless otherwise indicated in case of withdrawal.
If you withdraw your consent at any time and discontinue participation, there will be no negative consequences to you or penalties. You are not waiving any legal claims, rights, or remedies because you are participating in this research study. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, contact The Office of Research Ethics at ethicalreview@royalroads.ca; 250-391-2600 ext. 4425.
Participate in an online survey (30 min to 45 min) that collects demographic information, BFI-inventory personality trait expression results, and reflections from coach education using an anonymous Monkey Survey (including IP-address protection).

Non-cycling coaches participating in the survey may also volunteer for an additional 30-minute phone interview to contextualize their experience by including their email addresses. Interviews will be conducted and transcribed by the primary researcher; an NCCP-certified Master Coach Developer involved in the sport of cycling. Follow-up interviews will take place by phone or zoom (or equivalent meeting platform) at a mutually agreeable time to you and the research team. They may be recorded for note-taking purposes to ensure valuable insights shared are not lost. The information provided will inform the qualitative thematic analysis component of the mixed-methods research, whereby analysis seeks to discover common themes using interview transcripts.

The results of this project will be shared in July 2023 upon the successful completion of LRNT690 and published on Royal Roads University's website accordingly. This publication will include no identifying information, and participation will remain confidential.
We do not foresee any potential risks to your participation in this student research.
For individuals, participating in the project provides access to the BFI inventory personality trait expression report (if requested), and a greater personal understanding of why they chose to stop, continue, or finish their NCCP coach certification journey.
For organizations, especially Canadian sports organizations, understanding the factors that affect coach certification rates, and quantifying each factor, may help provincial and national sports organizations re-organize, update, and incentivize education programs to increase certification rates, better prepare coaches for real-world scenarios, and create safer sports experiences for Canadians of all ages.
As this is a student project, there is no financial compensation offered.
You are participating in this study confidentially. Therefore, the published thesis will include no identifying information.

Non-cycling coaches participating in the survey can volunteer to participate in a follow-up survey by including their email addresses in the survey answers. Survey respondents who agree to participate in the follow-up interview must read and sign this research consent form before the interview. Interviews are recorded and transcribed. Interviewees may request access to their interview recording and a transcript if one is created. These recordings and associated transcripts will be used only to inform this assignment and the outputs of this assignment.

All information will be stored on password-protected computers. The raw data will be destroyed (deleted from student and instructor computers) 1 year after course completion.
If you have any questions about the research now, please ask. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact:
If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant in this study, don't hesitate to contact The Office of Research Ethics at ethicalreview@royalroads.ca; 250-391-2600 ext. 4425.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the information provided for the study “Why Coaches Achieve Certification” as described herein. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction, and I agree to participate voluntarily in this study. I have been given a copy of this form (click here to download it for your records).

Question Title

* 2. I primarily coach ... (choose one sport)