NoFloCo University Session 1, Knowledge Check 1 of 2 Question Title * 1. What is your name and email address (first and last name, email@xyz)? Question Title * 2. Ladder fuels refers to the dead lower limbs of trees. the dead and living limbs from the ground to about 6 feet up the tree. grasses, shrubs, and bushes growing under trees. the dead and living limbs from the ground to 6 feet or more up the tree along with grasses, shrubs, and bushes growing under trees. pine cones, needles, leaves, and duff on the forest floor. Question Title * 3. There are 18 Natural Disasters per the FEMA National Risk Index. Of the 18 Natural Disasters, which is the only disaster that can be commenced by the actions of one person AND can also be stopped by human action? Tropical Cyclone Landslide Wildfire Winter Activity Question Title * 4. According to national statistics, what percent of wildfires are caused by human action? 10% 25% 50% 90% Question Title * 5. The NoFloCo Mission Statement contains which of the following objectives? To support the efforts of the Teller County Office of Emergency Management. To implement the goals of the Cohesive Strategy. To advocate for clear cutting of all forested land within the WUI. To ensure that all “sticks” are sent to the slash site in Divide. Question Title * 6. The three elements needed for Fire are: Smoke, Oxygen, and Heat Gas, Fuel, and Oxygen Oxygen, Heat, and Energy Oxygen, Heat, and Fuel Question Title * 7. There are three methods of structure ignition. The method where energy is transferred to nearby materials and their temperature will rise, and a vulnerable material will ignite once a critical temperature is reached is known as: Ember Ignition Direct Flame Ignition Fire Ignition Radiant Heat Ignition Question Title * 8. The Home Ignition Zone for NoFloCo Assessments is divided into four Zones. All four zones have various requirements and parameters. Zone 1 is referred to as the ___________ Zone and when assessing a home you should think like a(n) ____________ to determine risk areas. Intermediate; Burglar Immediate; Ember Intermediate; Ember Immediate; Firefighter Question Title * 9. When assessing a property for NoFloCo you should consider which of the following: Ingress and Egress both at the property and within the neighborhood/subdivision Tree Density, Tree Diversity, and Overall Forest Health Ember Entrapments, Out Buildings, and Storage Areas Forest Floor Debris, Ladder Fuels, and Tree Crowning All of the above Question Title * 10. The NoFloCo Process for the reduction/removal of biomass (fuel) during a Fire Mitigation Project proceeds as follows: Forest Floor Debris, Tree Felling, Ladder Fuel Ladder Fuel, Tree Felling, Forest Floor Debris Tree Felling, Forest Floor Debris, Ladder Fuels Forest Floor Debris, Ladder Fuels, Tree Felling Done