Thank you for your interest in participating in the Standard Chartered Youth to Work programme. Please ensure to read the programme information before proceeding to fill in the enterprise application form. If you have any questions after, please send Themba Mwaanga an email at OR visit our website for more information. The deadline for enterprise applications is midnight 31st May 2023.
Please note that this is only open to SMEs in Lusaka.

All information provided by your company to Challenges Worldwide will be treated as confidential and will be used solely to offer support to your company unless you agree otherwise in writing. All information is treated according to Zambian Data Protection Laws. This information may be used to offer further support options through The Challenges Group.

Question Title

* 1. Company information

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* 2. Is the CEO the primary contact?

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* 3. If not, please provide details of the Primary Contact

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* 4. Is your company formally registered?

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* 5. How many years has your company been in operation?

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* 6. In which sector does the company operate?

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* 7. Please describe your company and what it does. (Please be as detailed as possible as this will help us provide you with the correct assistance).

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* 8. How many employees does your company have?

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* 9. What is the legal structure of your company? Please select the most relevant option below

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* 11. Please give us some information on why you want to take part in the Youth to Work Program (Please be as detailed as possible as this will help us to provide you with the correct assistance).

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* 12. Please list available facilities at your premises if any, that can provided to Junior Associates e.g. office desks, computers, internet, lunch, transportation etc. Whilst we have no set requirements with regards to facilities available, it is useful for us to understand what support you might be able to offer the Junior Associates

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* 13. What are the key challenges your company is currently facing?

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* 14. What areas of your company require support to be resilient and scale up? (Select 3 key priority areas of support)

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* 15. Which other aspects of the programme do you think your company would benefit the most from? (Please rank in order of importance)

  1. Training 
  2. Access to Mentors
  3. Knowledge exchange with other entrepreneurs
  4. Linkages to Funding/Investment Networks

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* 16. Has your organization participated in any initiatives similar to Youth to Work? E.g. acceleration programmes, incubation programmes.

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* 17. If yes, please provide the name of the programme, the organising firm and the length of the support received. Please separate programme name and organising firm with a hyphen eg. SoCAP - British Council. If you have participated in multiple programmes, just separate with a comma "," eg. NexGeneration Entrepreneurs - GIZ, SoCAP - British Council

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* 18. You are welcome to use this space to provide any additional information:

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* 19.  DECLARATION - If my company is selected on the Youth to Work Programme, I will:

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100% of survey complete.