Lymphoma Australia Nurse Learning Module Three - Feedback

17 September - Indolent lymphoma: current & emerging management

Thank you for joining us for Nurse Learning Module 3.
We hope you enjoyed the session. 
We value your feedback and comments to ensure we can continue to provide relevant and useful lymphoma information and updates.
Please take a few moments to fill out the below. Your responses are anonymous.

You can also email us at
1.How well did the session meet the expectations outline?(Required.)
2.How helpful was the content presented at this session?(Required.)
3.How engaging was Professor Chan Cheah's presentation?(Required.)
4.How engaging was Ron Middleton's presentation?(Required.)
5.Was the Module webinar length too long, too short or about right?(Required.)
6.Were the pre-reading materials useful and relevant?(Required.)
7.Do you feel that the objectives of the learning module were met?(Required.)
8.Overall, how would you rate the education session?(Required.)
9.Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? Any suggestions for future presentations?