
The Town of The Pas is partnering with the Canadian Centre for Safer Communities (CCFSC) to develop a Community Safety & Well-Being (CSWB) Plan. Recognizing the overlap in service provision, this process will also include input from those in the Tri Community area which also includes the Rural Municipality of Kelsey and Opaskwayak Cree Nation.

CSWB planning brings together community leaders, organizations, and residents to co-create a vision and an actionable plan to improve safety, sense of safety, and well-being in their community.

We want to understand how you feel about safety and well-being in the Tri-Community by identifying local strengths, challenges, and opportunities.

The project will include several public consultation activities, beginning with the survey below and followed by focus groups and other engagements.

Community Safety & Well-being Survey
This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and responses will be collected until December 31st, 2024. 

All survey responses are confidential. Demographic questions (e.g., your age, postal code, gender, etc.) have been included to give us a general understanding of who is responding to the survey. Any report on the findings from the survey will only include general statements about the results and no identifying information will be shared.

Content Warning: The survey includes questions about your experience with several crimes, including domestic violence, assault, and sexual assault. Specific details regarding your experience will not be asked. If you would like to discuss your experience in more detail, a list of resources has been included.

If you have any questions about this survey or if you would like to request a paper copy, please email or call 204-627-1100.