Accessibility and Inclusion at Work

This survey is to gain feedback from our membership on inclusion and accessibility for members with disabilities within our workplace.
Thank you for taking the time to do the survey. It is appreciated!
1.Does your workplace employ persons with disabilities? 
2.Do you have a disability?
3.Does your workplace provide services for persons with disabilities?
4.My workplace currently encourages greater accessibility and inclusion.
5.My workplace has supports in place to employ and retain persons with disabilities.
6.There is more my workplace can do to be inclusive to persons with disabilities.
7.I would like to see the government implement legislation to increase accessibility and inclusion.
8.What are the most significant challenges to promoting greater accessibility?
9.What actions can the employer take to build a more inclusive workplace?
10.What types of programs and services would you like to see the government introduce to support the implementation of accessibility and inclusion legislation?
11.Additional comments or feedback you would like to provide.
To help us refine the results of this survey, please answer the question below about yourself:
12.What region or centre do you work in?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered