Dear CONA Applicant,
We are glad you are interested in representing your state at the National YMCA Conference On National Affairs (CONA).  More than 600 teens from across the country will join together to debate issues of National importance. Ther conference website is and has more information.

Up to 25 CONA Delegates are selected from each state based on being outstanding servant leaders, demonstrating the four core values, and excelling at the State Conference.  These delegates will travel by bus to the Blue Ridge YMCA Conference Center in North Carolina to spend a week debating with their peers from across the country.  The Northeast Group will leave this year from Nanuet, NY on June 28th at 1pm and return to the same location at noon on July 5th. 

By filling out this application you are indicating your interest in being one of the students selected, and acknowledging that you have read this application completely.  If selected for this opportunity you are agreeing to complete the following goals according to the timeline provided.  
·         By April 10th you must have sent me an email at with a maximum 500 word explanation of your proposal.  Proposal writing resources can be found at
·         By May 10th have a final draft of your proposal ready and turned in.
·         Be prepared and budget at least two hours a week to spend on preparing your proposal, as well as being an active contributor to your teammates, providing feedback and insight on their proposals.

The fee for your participation in CONA is $1150.00.  This will cover all transportation, lodging, materials and supervision during the entire experience.  Students will be responsible for paying for 3 meals during the bus travel.  The YMCA is happy to work out a payment plan with anyone, we do not want finances to prevent any student from having this opportunity.   Financial Aid is also available, please reach out to me via email to inquire.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name (First and Last):

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* 2. Your Email:

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* 3. Your School

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* 4. Your State

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* 5. Your Phone Number

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* 6. Your Email Address

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* 7. What Proposal topic would you like to write about?