New Zealand ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Trade Survey 2024

Welcome to the ASEAN Business Alliance
NZ ASEAN Trade Survey 2024

Complete the short (10 minute) survey if you are an Individual or Company who has engaged in trade with ASEAN within the last 12 months (1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024). The results of this survey help inform business and government directions in the region.
Leave your email to ensure you receive a copy of the collated survey results.
Collated responses will form reporting shared with NZ Government agencies for the purposes of increasing understanding of business interests in Southeast Asia and improving the support services available to exporters
1.Your organisation (optional)
2.Your Role (optional)
3.Please indicate which country you are responding from?(Required.)
4.Which of the following ASEAN markets does your company currently trade with?(Required.)
5.Please indicate what best describes your company’s ownership and background? (Answer more than one option if suitable)(Required.)
6.Please describe your company structure, in the country you are responding from?(Required.)
7.What sector best describes your business?(Required.)
8.What would best describe your organisation's supply chain?(Required.)
9.What was your total ASEAN operations revenue (NZD) in the previous financial year?(Required.)
10.How much did ASEAN contribute to your organisations' global revenue or sourcing in 2023?(Required.)
11.How many employees do you have in ASEAN?(Required.)
12.How many employees does your company have globally?(Required.)
13.How long has your company been active in ASEAN?(Required.)
14.Your Trade in ASEAN : Which of the following ASEAN markets do you plan / or are you considering an expansion (as an export market or to create a physical presence) over the next 12 months?(Required.)
15.How has your company's level of trade changed in the ASEAN markets today compared to 2021?(Required.)
100-80% decrease
80-60% decrease
60-40% decrease
40-20% decrease
20-0% decrease
0 - no change
0-20 % increase
20-40% increase
40-60% increase
60-80% increase
80-100% increase
16.Please indicate if any of the below have caused you issues in the markets you operate in across ASEAN.(Required.)
Access to skilled labour
Climate or sustainability issues
Cost of labour
Currency issues
Data and Digital Technology issues (connectivity, speed, access to data, data sovereignty etc)
Ease of import / export
Increasing domestic competition
Increasing international competition
Political stability
17.What do you consider to be the most important aspects to IMPROVE your trade and / or export opportunities in ASEAN? (Please select 5 only)(Required.)
18.Non-tariff Barriers (NTBs), which are unreasonable regulatory requirements, can be a major challenge for NZ businesses in ASEAN. If you experience these, please select the top 3 NTB challenges you face in your business (Please select 3 only).(Required.)
19.Optional : Please tell us more about these issues. Do you know who to contact if you have trade barriers?
20.Looking out five years, what are the three major challenges you anticipate your business will need to adapt to in order to be successful in the ASEAN region? (Please select 3 only).(Required.)
21.Have you been impacted by Visas or Immigration settings, negatively affecting your business?(Required.)
22.In five years' time, do you anticipate your business with ASEAN markets to increase/decrease?(Required.)
20% + Decrease
No Change
20% + Increase
New Zealand
23.How would you describe your outlook for business in ASEAN for each of the following over the next three years?(Required.)
Very optimistic
Moderately optimistic
Slightly optimistic
Neither optimistic nor pessimistic
Slightly pessimistic
Moderately pessimistic
Very pessimistic
Domestic competitive pressure
International competitive pressure
Market growth opportunities (Demand)
Operating costs
Profitability growth
Regulatory environment
24.Which of the following are the key opportunities in ASEAN that your organisation is focussing on?(Required.)
25.New Zealand's relationship with ASEAN : How would you describe the strength of New Zealand's relationship with ASEAN nations?(Required.)
26.Describe your level of satisfaction with the New Zealand government's management of the bilateral relationships in ASEAN (NZ's relationship with each individual ASEAN Country) over the past 24 months?(Required.)
27.The strength of New Zealand's bilateral relationships in ASEAN are an important consideration for me when making an investment in the region. To what extend do you agree with this statement?(Required.)
28.Have you come across or used any New Zealand exporter support services in the last year? (Select as many as appropriate). For example :(Required.)
29.What could the NZ Government do to support you to expand your business into ASEAN markets? Select as many as appropriate(Required.)
30.New Zealand undertakes business trade missions to markets. What would make trade missions more useful for business? (Select as many as appropriate)
31.Are you an NZTE Customer?
32.Do you use any of the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise resources?(Required.)
33.Optional: Please provide your email address if you wish to receive a summary report of the Trade Survey results.