Our learning goals for this survey are two-fold. We would like to:
  • Understand your general satisfaction with our Regional schools; and
  • Understand what you, as a community stake-holder, value about our Regional schools as a way to inform development of the FY23-24 budget.

Also, as you respond to these questions please consider our Mission Statement:

“The mission of our schools is to provide all students with a high-quality education that enables them to be contributing members of a multiethnic, multicultural, pluralistic society. We seek to create an environment that achieves equity for all students and ensures that each student is a successful learner, is fully respected, and learns to respect others.”

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your role in the Amherst-Pelham Regional schools? (Select as many as apply.)

Question Title

* 2. With which schools do you have direct experience? (Select as many as apply.)

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how satisfied are you with the following?

  Not at all satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied No Direct Experience with the School or Group
Amherst Regional Middle School
Amherst Regional High School
Summit Academy
District Administration
Regional School Committee

Question Title

* 4. Please describe in your own words what you value most about the Regional schools.

Question Title

* 5. Please describe in your own words what you believe the Regional schools could do better.

Question Title

* 6. How familiar would you say you are with the Regional school budget and financial situation?

Question Title

* 7. Where do you get your information about Regional school budgets? (Select as many as apply.)

Question Title

* 8. What areas of the budget would you like more information about?

Question Title

* 9. What most motivates you to participate in the Regional school budget process? (Select one)

Question Title

* 10. The funding priorities below are all important, and we understand that ranking them may be difficult. However, your doing so will help us as we begin preparing the Regional FY23-24 budget.  Please indicate order of importance with 1 being the Most Important and 9 being the Least Important.

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the quality of the following Instructional Programs.

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Not Applicable/Do Not Know
Social Studies
World Language
Physical Education
Music/Music Ensembles
Technology/Engineering/Computer Science
Special Education

Question Title

* 12. Please rate the quality of the following items related to Instructional Materials.

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Not Applicable/Do Not Know
Availability of media & AV equipment
Availability of textbooks & instructional materials
Availability of laboratory equipment
Access to computers or digital devices

Question Title

* 13. Please rate the quality of the following items related to Support Services.

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Not Applicable/Do Not Know
School bus safety and efficiency
Breakfast program
Lunch program
Guidance/Counseling services
Health services

Question Title

* 14. Please rate the quality of the following items related to Facilities and Grounds.

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Not Applicable/Do Not Know
Cleanliness of school
Safe environment
Classroom space availability
State of repair/maintenance
Overall appearance
Classroom furniture
Parking areas, driveways and sidewalks
School grounds
Athletic facilities (indoor)
Athletic facilities (outdoor)