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* 1. Your details (will remain confidential)

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* 2. Are you aware that to access personal leave under the NextSense Leave Management Policy, staff must:
  • Notify their direct manager as soon as they can
  • Apply for personal leave in Preceda for leave and upload a medical certificate if they have one
Staff will need a medical certificate:
  • For absences on Mondays, Fridays or days pre/post a public holiday
  • For more than 2 consecutive days
  • When they have had more than 5 leave applications in a calendar year without a certificate (more than 5 days of unsupported Personal/Carer's leave per annum)
You can view the full policy here: NextSense Leave Management Policy.

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* 3. How do you feel about the personal leave policy?

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* 4. Do you have any concerns about the current policy?

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* 5. Have you had increased difficulty taking your personal leave since this policy was implemented?

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* 6. Do you want NextSense to undertake more consultation with staff over this policy?

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* 7. Would you join a consultation meeting to discuss the policy further?

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* 8. Is there anything else you want to add?