Survey for UB undergraduates who are or ever have been CSE majors:

1.What year are you in?
2.Are you a CSE major at the moment? If not, what is your current declared major, if any?
3.If you've dropped out of the major, what are your primary reasons for doing so?
4.If you're currently a CSE major, what has been your favorite class in the department? Your least favorite?
5.On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the greatest), how would you rate your enjoyment of computer programming?
6.On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the greatest), how would you rate your mathematic literacy?
7.On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the greatest), how often would you say you attend/attended office hours for CSE classes?
8.How would you generally describe the school/life balance of CSE students?
9.How do you feel about the balance between tests and projects across the CSE classes?
10.How do you feel the CSE department could best improve?