Course Evaluation Survey

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* 1. Check appropriate title.

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* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the organization of this meeting.

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* 3. The ACCME defines commercial bias as presentations giving an unbalanced view of therapeutic options by promoting a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.

Was this course free of commercial bias?

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* 4. How well were the 2019 Chicago Cubs Spring Training Seminar Course Objectives met?

Upon completion of the course participants should be able to:

  Significantly Met Somewhat Met Not Met
Identify the components of a comprehensive concussion evaluation
Discuss the importance of sleep on the recovery after concussion
Describe ways to educate your patient on strategies to help with sleep
Understand the role of cardiovascular exercise in treatment
Understand the different profiles/subtypes/ deficits that can occur with concussion and know what activities can exacerbate the symptoms of each
Discuss the importance of a treatment team in the management of concussions
Describe the evidence for and against cognitive rest and academic accommodations following concussion.
Discuss how cognitive rest and academic accommodations can be implemented when required.
Identify the potential treatments for concussion based on existing evidence

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* 5. Did you meet your personal goal/objective for what you intended to get out of this course?

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* 6. Do you intend to integrate what you learned at this conference into your current practice?

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* 7. Please rate the relevance of this program to your scope of practice: