What is Nature Positive?

Nature Positive is a global goal that seeks to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030. It underpins the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Targets agreed by 196 countries, and the Australian Government's Nature Positive Plan.

Many Australian businesses are seeking to understand nature risks to their operations and strategy, and what Nature Positive means for them.

The Australian Climate & Biodiversity Foundation (ACBF)

Chaired by Dr. Ken Henry, ACBF is a not-for-profit organisation that brings together business, government, experts and civil society to protect and restore Australia’s forests and secure lasting biodiversity, climate, and economic outcomes.

Purpose of this Pulse Survey

This Pulse Survey seeks to understand awareness and perceptions of Nature Positive in the Australian business community. This survey is part of ACBF's work with national and international partners to bring together leaders from business and civil society in the run up to the Global Nature Positive Summit in Sydney in October.

We understand your privacy is important. Any individual identities of respondents, or their representative organisations will remain anonymous, and any perspectives will not be attributed to you directly without your explicit agreement.

This short Pulse Survey takes 10 minutes or less. We appreciate you contributing your expertise. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Warrick Jordan - warrick@climatebiodiversity.org.
The survey closes COB Friday 26 July.

33% of survey complete.