Class of 2014 Reunion Survey

Date Change and Reunion Preferences

Although the Alumni Office announced a save the date for the Class of 2014 Reunion to take place Homecoming Weekend in September, your classmates have requested to change your reunion date to October 25.

Homecoming Weekend will remain on September 20-21 and all alumni are invited to attend the Alumni Association Homecoming Tailgate on Friday, September 20 in the new Athletic Center and the All Alumni Campus Tour on Saturday, September 21 at 11 a.m.

Please answer the following questions so the Alumni Office and your classmates can plan your reunion. Please email Kalli Lovejoy, Assistant Director, Alumni Engagement, at if you have any questions.
2.Email address(Required.)
3.Cell phone Number(Required.)
4.Current Mailing Address(Required.)
5.Please pick your preferred date for the Class of 2014 Reunion
6.Will you attend the Class of 2014 Reunion if the date is September 21?
7.Will you attend the Class of 2014 Reunion if the date is October 25?
8.Will you bring a guest to the Class of 2014 Reunion?
9.Which current and/or former faculty members would you like to see at your reunion?
10.Would you attend an alumni open house for the Class of 2014 on Saturday, October 26 from 12 - 2 p.m.?
11.Please share your undergraduate university and the degree you earned.
12.Please share any post graduate education and degrees you have completed or are in the process of completing.
13.Update us on where you are living, what you have been doing for work, hobbies, etc.