Welcome to the PEFC Project Certification Survey

Thank you for participating in this important survey.

PEFC International is revising the requirements for project certification to respond to stakeholder needs, add value to companies, and align with the latest version of the PEFC Chain of Custody standard (PEFC ST 2002:2020).

Project certification provides independent verification of the use of certified timber in construction and other projects with a defined time and site.

This survey aims to gather your valuable feedback to help improve these requirements. It is part of a broader effort to increase global demand for PEFC project certification and the procurement of PEFC-certified materials.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain confidential.

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your role or organisation?

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* 2. In which country are you primarily based?

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* 3. Do you have experience working with PEFC project certification?

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* 4. Do you have experience working with green building certification?