Internet safety and social media (including sharing explicit content)
Internet safety and social media (including sharing explicit content) Yes
Internet safety and social media (including sharing explicit content) Some but not enough
Internet safety and social media (including sharing explicit content) Can't remember
Internet safety and social media (including sharing explicit content) Not taught
Internet safety and social media (including sharing explicit content) Not sure what this means
Pornography Yes
Pornography Some but not enough
Pornography Can't remember
Pornography Not taught
Pornography Not sure what this means
Bullying and cyberbullying
Bullying and cyberbullying Yes
Bullying and cyberbullying Some but not enough
Bullying and cyberbullying Can't remember
Bullying and cyberbullying Not taught
Bullying and cyberbullying Not sure what this means
Respectful relationships, including friendships
Respectful relationships, including friendships Yes
Respectful relationships, including friendships Some but not enough
Respectful relationships, including friendships Can't remember
Respectful relationships, including friendships Not taught
Respectful relationships, including friendships Not sure what this means
Intimate and sexual relationships
Intimate and sexual relationships Yes
Intimate and sexual relationships Some but not enough
Intimate and sexual relationships Can't remember
Intimate and sexual relationships Not taught
Intimate and sexual relationships Not sure what this means
Positive and healthy relationships (including making up, and ending relationships)
Positive and healthy relationships (including making up, and ending relationships) Yes
Positive and healthy relationships (including making up, and ending relationships) Some but not enough
Positive and healthy relationships (including making up, and ending relationships) Can't remember
Positive and healthy relationships (including making up, and ending relationships) Not taught
Positive and healthy relationships (including making up, and ending relationships) Not sure what this means
Unhealthy relationships
Unhealthy relationships Yes
Unhealthy relationships Some but not enough
Unhealthy relationships Can't remember
Unhealthy relationships Not taught
Unhealthy relationships Not sure what this means
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Yes
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Some but not enough
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Can't remember
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Not taught
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Not sure what this means
Contraception Yes
Contraception Some but not enough
Contraception Can't remember
Contraception Not taught
Contraception Not sure what this means
Equality Yes
Equality Some but not enough
Equality Can't remember
Equality Not taught
Equality Not sure what this means
Consent Yes
Consent Some but not enough
Consent Can't remember
Consent Not taught
Consent Not sure what this means
Pronouns Yes
Pronouns Some but not enough
Pronouns Can't remember
Pronouns Not taught
Pronouns Not sure what this means
Gender identity
Gender identity Yes
Gender identity Some but not enough
Gender identity Can't remember
Gender identity Not taught
Gender identity Not sure what this means
Sexual orientation/preferences
Sexual orientation/preferences Yes
Sexual orientation/preferences Some but not enough
Sexual orientation/preferences Can't remember
Sexual orientation/preferences Not taught
Sexual orientation/preferences Not sure what this means
Puberty and development
Puberty and development Yes
Puberty and development Some but not enough
Puberty and development Can't remember
Puberty and development Not taught
Puberty and development Not sure what this means
Grooming Yes
Grooming Some but not enough
Grooming Can't remember
Grooming Not taught
Grooming Not sure what this means
Sexual exploitation
Sexual exploitation Yes
Sexual exploitation Some but not enough
Sexual exploitation Can't remember
Sexual exploitation Not taught
Sexual exploitation Not sure what this means
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse Yes
Domestic abuse Some but not enough
Domestic abuse Can't remember
Domestic abuse Not taught
Domestic abuse Not sure what this means
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Yes
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Some but not enough
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Can't remember
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Not taught
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Not sure what this means
The law around sexual behaviours
The law around sexual behaviours Yes
The law around sexual behaviours Some but not enough
The law around sexual behaviours Can't remember
The law around sexual behaviours Not taught
The law around sexual behaviours Not sure what this means
Misogyny Yes
Misogyny Some but not enough
Misogyny Can't remember
Misogyny Not taught
Misogyny Not sure what this means