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Abuse is preventable when we all play a part.

Please be aware you have the option to report abuse anonymously. If you would like Decatur Family YMCA to contact you directly, please provide your phone number or email address.

We take all reports of abuse in our programs and facility very seriously. Please provide as much detail as you are able.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your full name (optional)

Question Title

* 2. At what email address may we contact you? (optional)

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* 3. At what phone number may we contact you? (optional)

Question Title

* 4. Date and time of incident:


Question Title

* 5. Where in the YMCA did you see this take place?

Question Title

* 6. Describe what you observed.

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* 7. Would you like a YMCA staff member to follow up with you?

Question Title

* 8. Any additional comments?

Question Title

* 9. Upload a picture if applicable

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
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Thank you for reporting this. We take all reports seriously and will immediately and thoroughly investigate this matter.
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