Accountants Annual Professional Satisfaction Survey 2024

Tri-Merit Specialty Tax Professionals has teamed with Accountants Forward to assess how satisfied accountants are with their profession and lifestyle today and what they can do to make it more fulfilling.
We sincerely appreciate your participation in this confidential survey. Your results will arrive within 2 weeks of the survey closing--before results are shared with the media and general public. Rest assured that your responses will be kept in strictest confidence and final results will be published on an anonymous aggregate basis only.
Thanks again for your participation. Survey authors will conduct and advance look at the findings on July 23rd at the Bridging the Gap Conference in Chicago. Please stop by if you’re attending the conference. We’d love your take on the results.
Thank you again for your participation. Completing this confidential survey should take approximately 5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following most closely fits your role? (Select only one)