Is your organization ready to recruit a top B2B sales perfo

Answer the questions below and find out!

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* 1. Is finding a consistent, high achieving sales professional a top priority for your sales organization?

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* 2. Are you committed to offering a competitive compensation package that is at or above market to hire a top sales professional?

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* 3. Are you committed to investing the resources and time required to hire the best sales person or people?

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* 4. Does your organization have the resources required to comprehensively assess the skills, experience, and selling DNA of prospective candidates to mitigate hiring risk?

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* 5. Have you determined what makes a career in your organization unique, attractive and desirable for a new hire that is currently working for a competitive employer?

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* 6. Are you able to support a new sales hire when they get to your company using a structured training and on-boarding process?

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* 7. Are you able to support a new sales hire when they get to your company using a structured training and on-boarding process?

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* 8. Do you have access to a pool of qualified top sales professionals?

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* 9. Can you demonstrate to the candidate, using proof, how they will meet or exceed the established sales goals, and meet their career objectives in your company?

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* 10. Have you identified the skills a candidate needs in order to be successful in your unique selling environment?

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* 11. In order for the new hire to be successful, have you identified the selling challenges the candidate will likely face in their first year?

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* 12. Have you identified tangible achievements you would like to see in the candidate’s first month, quarter, and year?

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* 13. Have you determined if you are seeking an aesthetic resume or the ability of the candidate to meet your sales goals?

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* 14. Will you make it a priority to give timely interview feedback to a candidate?

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* 15. Are you able to make an offer of employment to a candidate in a timely fashion?

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* 16. Have you identified the amount of expected travel a candidate will have to undertake to be successful?

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* 17. Enter your name and email to see your score